After a long weekend on Iedul Fitri Celebration, Traffic Jam is already comes in Jakarta. Almost for a week, jakarta was gonna be a suitable place for relaxing. Why …. It’s because most of people in jakarta were moving to many town and city all over indonesia for celebrating the iedu fitri with their big family, so Jakarta almost lost 1/3 population for a while.
But the satisfaction situation was no longer. The fact, after a week jakarta will crowd again with 1/3 population that leave for a while in celebrating iedul fitri in kampong plus new urban people that come to find a job in jakarta. According to the last urban statistic report, the urban people is going to increase year by year. That’s why jakarta is more crowded in every year.
The impact of crowd population is traffic jam on all over street in jakarta. Many people who live in jakarta or on every jakarta satelite city have more than 1 car/motorbike. They drive trough almost on the same time (06.00 – 08.00 in the morning and 17.00 – 19.00 in the evening). That condition make most of street in jakarta on traffic jam. The situation will be more horrible on the rain day. Several street and highway in jakarta will cover by flood or going to be narrower couse of heavy rain.
On the other side, growth of street is less than growth of cars/motorbike which owned by people. The government should establish some laws instrumet or rules to controll growth of cars or motorbike by higher the tax or giving some hard fine for someone who break a traffic laws. The government could make some high mass trasportation that will drive as many as it can, the government also build a huge station on every satelite city and bulid a representative parking hall, so the government could limit the car/motorbikefrom satelite city enter to jakarta.
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