Thursday, November 27, 2008

Just Wait and See

For a couple month, we are being worry about the condition of macro economic. The US economic dropped by miss calculation of US housing debt. Suddenly, this tragedy influence the macro economic and being a globa recession. As we seen on the TV News, the effect of global recession gradually impact on indonesian economic.

The real impact of global reccesion in Indonesia is on sharp decreasing of BEI Index. The BEI Index drop from 2.700 point (january 208) to 1.200 point (december 2008). A lot of international manufacture collaps, some of them bangkrupt, many of them still alive but dischard a lot of their employee and worker. the crude oil (main support of manufacture) price gradually dropped, that's a logic impact of manufacture collaps.

In Indonesia, the global reccession were immidatelly effect on macro consumption pattern especialy on electronic, car and real estate demand. We don't know about the effect of global reccesion on basic need consumption product. As we seen on the market, most of the market were still crowd with a consumen, and a lot of stuff still exist in market. I hope the global reccesion would not make a big effect on basic need supply

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